Truthdig is a website that purports to apply the truth to controversial issues. In fact it is a liberal site that "digs" the issues that are the current issue-of-the-day. In fact, truthdig can be likened to townhall or redstate on the right.
And, why pray tell, should I care? Because it isn't simply presenting a point of view or opinion. Instead, just like a lot of other partisan hack sites, it is a
vehicle for the current prez.
Look at
this article covering the US v. Arizona case. The thrust is the supposed unconstitutionality of the requirement to verify immigration status.
Am I the only guy in the country to get that you must establish a full and complete identity on everyone apprehended by
law enforcement
? There is nothing unconstitutional about it. By treaty all foreign nationals apprehended must be divulged to the appropriate consulate. This allows the home-nation to assist one of their citizens who has run afoul of US law.
It's not that tough. Just put a bit of
rational thought
into it and you will see that there is no conspiriacy here.
I hope the judge in the long run is as smart as she is educated.
Technorati Tags: us v arizona, immigration, lawsuits, courts