Friday, July 04, 2008

A Glorious Independence Day

I find it ironic that the premier national holiday is known for its date more than for its' name. We don't go about our business asking folks how they are spending December 25th. I've never been asked what day it was and by reply said "January first". We call all holidays by their rightful name except today. While it's great that folks remember the date I'd prefer that they remember the name. It was a glorious day in Texas. And our Independence Day was celebrated. Please click to read a bit more...

Today we started with a down home small city parade. Leading the parade was the United States Marine Color Guard. Then came color guards from the various law enforcement agencies, veterans groups, and civic organisations. I have to say that it was great.

We grilled hamburgers, drank beer, and told stories. Like Memorial Day, Independence Day evokes memories, some not pleasant. Our Declaration of Independence told the world in general and King George in particular that we were not going to take it.

From those words sprang the war that eventually resulted in our nation being born. But, there is another thing we need to do. We need to teach the history of the Declaration as well. To that end, I would like to recommend a three CD Historical telling of the "Road to Independence" by Mike Church. I listened to it twice today on my computer (Sirius Radio in the truck and streaming at home) and it is simply awesome. BONUS: IF YOU ARE A TEACHER YOU CAN GET THIS CD SET FOR FREE.

The Declaration of Independence set the stage for the role our states and nation play in the world today. It is right that we remember. C'ya round.

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